تست پيش دبستاني

How did you do on this one? It's just one question, so take your time and think about it.
اين و چطوري حلش مي کني؟ فقط يک سؤاله، پس وقت بذار و درباره اش فکر کن.
Pre-school children were asked the following question:
"In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"
از بچه هاي پيش دبستاني اين سؤال پرسيده شد :
«اتوبوس توي اين شکل به کدوم طرف ميره؟»
Look carefully at the picture.

Do you know the answer?
با دقت به شکل نگاه کن.
مي توني جواب بدي؟
(The only possible answers are "left" or "right.")
(جواب هاي ممکن چپ يا راست هست)
Think about it
درباره اش فکر کن
Still don't know?
هنوز نمي دوني؟
Okay, I'll tell you.
باشه، من بهت ميگم.
The pre-schoolers all answered "left."
بچه هاي پيش دبستاني همگي جواب دادند : «چپ»
When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling in the left direction?"
وقتي ازشون پرسيدن : «چرا فکر مي کنيد اتوبوس داره به طرف چپ ميره؟»
They answered:
"Because you can't see the door."
اونا جواب دادن :
«چون تو نمي توني در رو ببيني.»
How do you feel now ???
I know, me too.
الآن چه احساسي داري؟؟؟
مي دونم، منم همينطور.





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